"Becoming a caring person is a lifelong process. In some ways, we are always beginning. We are always growing and deepening our perceptions and sensitivities. A minister of care needs a hunger for life, a thirst for healing. This hunger and thirst somehow rise from a relationship with the Lord that is always becoming more conscious, more active and more alive." Taken from the handbook for Ministers of Care by Genevieve Glen, OSB
Ministers of Care - Giving the gift of presence.
Volunteers from St. Mary's visit parish members who are homebound or in nursing homes. Some have an ongoing relationships with one particular person and visit weekly or monthly. Others are involved with ministry of care activities on a particular day each month.
Ministry of Care activities include:
- bringing communion to homebound parishioners on a regular basis - visiting a homebound parishioner or one who is in a healthcare facility. - leading a rosary at Sauer Healthcare or Lake Winona Manor - gathering Catholic residents at Saint Anne Extended Healthcare for prayer and a social on the fourth Friday of the month. - leading a communion service at Sauer Healthcare or Lake Winona Manor - provide a ride to church - gather residents at Sauer Healthcare for a weekly communion service or mass. - providing music during the weekly communion services at Sauer Healthcare - providing hospitality and presence at our funeral luncheons